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Steph Wynne is an entrepreneur, writer, author, filmmaker, teacher and resides in Los Angeles

All photos via my Canva subscription


Get out of bed and off the couch! 
It's time to Live or die in your mind!

Traumatized By RealityResistance To ChangeQuantum Leaping Your LifeThings Must ChangeWin Friends

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Who Controls Your Money?

Whitepaper 6/15/21

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Hey thank you for stopping by!

We are living in a new world.

A world that is changing by the minute.

Everyone is affected.

We all got money issues, employment issues, business issues, housing issues, car issues, utility issues but I bet your cell phone is alright!

There is so much we can focus on its nuts.

I want to tell you a little story. 

I'll change their names to protect the couple.

Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a bag of dope.

Jack fell down and busted his crown and Jill didn't have any hope.

Jill let Jack lay in the gutter with his head bleeding and all.

A fat man sitting on a bench made the 911 call.

When Jack got out of the hospital, he vowed never to get high, and when Jack got home that night he found Jill had od and died.

Jack was broke and sad. He had no mother or dad.

The rent was due and the car too.

Jack was desperate and didn't know what to do.

He missed Jill so much even tho she was retched and such.

He decided he would do right by Jill, and get a gig to pay the bills.

While Jack was standing in line at the local store, he heard somebody talking about money and he wanted to hear more.

The man said he made some money buying crypto, but Jack didn't understand the conversation flow.

When Jack got home he did a search online. He found he can make some money trading crypto anytime.

He borrowed cash from a loan shark and paid no bills. He bought plenty of Doge coins and thought he was king of the hill.

Jack entered the crypto game at 6am because he couldn't sleep. He invested 1,000 dollars and felt light on his feet.

Within an hour he made $100 dollars and was happy as hell. He figured if this went on all day all would end well.

At 6pm after ups and downs, Jack was dead broke and skipped town.

Before you get involved with crypto download my new book for free. 

Don't lose all your money like Jack!

The book is a quick read (85 pages). Don't squirm! You should want to read a book to re-educate yourself.

Reading a real live book is the best way to retain the info.

All I ask is for a review. Bad or good I want your feedback!

If you want to support the cause you can order a hard copy from Amazon!

The password for the file is CP621

Thank you!

Be smart, read this book before you enter the game!